Soar to Success June 2020

PAT ALTVATER What’s The Story You Are Telling Yourself Right Now? Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing These are unusual times, aren’t they? So many emotions run through us; at times, we’re scared, or mad, or frustrated! It’s important to let those emotions run their course and then let them go. Don’t dwell there too long. Telling your sad story over and over again lowers your vibration and does nothing to improve the situation. At first, you may have felt validated when others heard your story and agreed that yes, business is bad, customers are few or whatever your situation is. However, at a certain point, after many repetitions, you begin to sound like a broken record, even to yourself. And others begin to avoid you, because they are protecting their own energy. There are small business owners right now that are busier than ever. Is there any reason you can’t be one of those? So instead of telling your sad story ad nauseum, write a new story about how you want things to be and read it over daily. Speak about that to your friends, colleagues and family. Who knows – things may turn around faster than you expect and if nothing else happens except that you start to feel better and more hopeful, that will be a WIN!