Soar to Success July 2020

H ave you ever wondered why it is so important to measure the ingredients in a recipe? It’s funny how mom’s macaroni salad always tastes the same. When you follow the recipe, the results never change. In business, the recipe for success cannot stay the same. As we have all experienced over the last several monthswiththepandemic, thebusinessclimate has shifted for everyone. Leaders lean into measuring the financial KPI’s (key performance indicators) that drive the business such as By Janice Jokkel What Gets Measured Gets Managed revenue growth, profitability, operating cash flow and burn rate. Often companies overlook the non-financial KPI’s and how other areas are performing such as the condition of their culture, operations, strength of their leadership team, effectiveness of their training program and how they are servicing their clients. How do you measure these five components and understand the performance gaps in any of these areas? We provide many of our