Soar to Success January 2020

Finding the Beauty LQ 'LƯFXOW Times By Megan Patton As a business owner, sometimes we get sucked down into the depths – of frustration, despair, lack of work, too much work, problems with employees, managing vendors, and on and on and on… It can be tough to balance it all and keep a positive outlook when business isn’t just going the way you’d like. Often, it is very hard. Very hard. That’s not to say you don’t love it (most of the time), and of course, you are happy to own a business, but it can be tough to keep good thoughts top of mind, and appreciate the good points of being a business owner. How is it possible to be so frustrated and yet so happy at the same time? I was thinking a lot about this conundrumwhen I was hiking in the Himalayas a fewmonths ago. ,W ZDV RQH RI WKH PRVW GLIĆFXOW WKLQJV , KDYH ever done (physically) and there were many times that I wondered what in the heck I was doing – thousands of miles away from home, disconnected from family and my business. It was a grueling effort of walking nearly 8 hours eachday gaining impressivealtitudeeveryhour. As the air got thinner, and the breaths were harder to take, with muscles screaming, there