Soar to Success December 2020
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article buy her “book.” The idea of writing a book wasn’t even on Jamie’s radar at the time. After so many instances, however, she decided it was time to put her ideas down on the written page. When she shared her idea with a friend, he referred her to the owner of a publishing company and the rest is history. Jamie feels she owes a great debt to her parents. As a young person, her parents very intentionally urged both Jamie and her two sisters to be involved in a variety of activities and sports and ultimately find one that would allow each of them to work toward a goal and excel. She feels that her parents helped her gain overall confidence at an early age. A confidence that persists to this day. After studying the neu- roscience that leads to a person developing confidence, she realized there is a formula that anyone can follow to build confidence, regardless of where they’re starting on their journey. “As confidence builds, the quality of job performance increases which creates a continuous cycle of improvement. As a kid growing up, this started for me with dance lessons. It was a natural gift and my parents committed to further nurturing and developing it. Later, inmy own career, I used thissameprincipleas I observed individuals on teams I managed. I recognized and developed their natural skills sets which helped them gain confidence in their overall performance. It also gave them opportunities to excel and become the resident expert in a specific area.” In her new book, “Speak Up Sister! The P r o f e s s i o n a l Woman’s Guide to Confidence and Success,” one of the concepts Jamie dis cusses is the 5 Gifts of Confidence. We talked about a few of them during our interview. Let Your Voice Be Heard Creating visibility, especially for women in the workplace is a vital part of success. “I’ve been in several situations, especially in the oil and gas industry, where I’m in the room with women engineers who are brilliant. They can do complicated mathematical algorithms in their head, yet their voice struggles to come out, and because of it, they are passed over for promotions.”
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