Soar to Success November 2019

PAT ALTVATER Intuition: Do You Listen to Yours? Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing I’m fascinated by intuition, sometimes called a “gut feeling”, “sixth sense”, “inner knowing”, “a still quiet inner voice” or “instinct.” Many of us realize our intuition only in hindsight. I’ll bet you have had that experience when something happens and you think to yourself, “I knew that was going to happen.” I am attempting to listen more and then take decisive action. For example, in October I was planning to join my husband on a business trip but about three weeks out I got this strong urge to instead attend NAWBO’s Women’s Business Conference, that was happening at the same time. Once I made up my mind, everything came easy. I was able to purchase an early bird ticket (saving $100) from someone who couldn’t go (thank you, Rachel), I found a connection to the perfect roommate easily in a Facebook group (thank you, Kara), and I even got connected with someone to share an Uber with from the airport (again thanks to Rachel for making the connection). But the best part is, the conference was really magical, also. I made some unexpected sales, met fabulous people to build relationships with and had a fun time with my colleagues from the Cleveland Chapter. So glad that I listened to my intuition. I decided based on this experience to be more intentional about listening to my intuition. I think this quote about sums it up: “What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want…and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” ~ Alexander Graham Bell Enjoy all the articles in this issue and don’t forget to take advantage of the links provided.