Soar to Success May 2019

H ave you ever had a book that changes the way you behave and changes the way you think about things? Well, there’s a book that I read years ago that changed the way I look at interactions with people. It’s a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz called The Four Agreements. If you haven’t read The Four Agreements, you need to read it. It is spiritually based, but to me the key piece of The Four Agreements are the actual agreements. 7KH ĆUVW RQH LV WR be impeccable with your word which means that you don’t talk bad about others. And more importantly, you don’t talk bad about yourself. You don’t gossip. You don’t condemn, you don’t complain. Try to be impeccable with your word for a day. That’s a challenge, I guarantee you. The second one is don’t take anything personally. That’s huge. Most times when somebody does something that offends you or upsets you, it has nothing to actually do with anything you did or said. The author goes on to say, “The person who takes things personally shows the highest form of arrogance.” Four Agreements By Jack Klemeyer The CanChange YourLife