Soar to Success March 2019
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies things, saying to yourself, "That's like...," or "How is that different from..." Autoresponders were new to me when I started my weekly newsletter and then I shifted from just "my weekly email" to "Throttle Up Thursday!” This `sunk in and motivated me when I thought, "it's staying connected to people I'vemet." Use Your Imagination Changing your perspective is one of the great learning strategies. For example, study with the idea in mind that you will be teaching what you're learning. As you study something, imagine how you'll teach it. This is a powerful way to get a good grasp on new information. Take Breaks You can learn more by working less. The research shows that we remember best what we study first and last in a given session. So, by taking breaks, you create more "sessions," and increase the number of firsts and lasts. Move around during your breaks, as this can also keep your mind fresh. Find Time What if it tooknoextratimeto learnanewlanguage, take a negotiating course, or study something new and interesting? Start using the dead-time in your day, the time driving in your car, or on the bus, or in a waiting room. Audible has almost any book you could want available for a small investment in yourself. You can instantly download books on their internet site. This is one of the most under- utilized and easiest learning strategies. Make 2019 your year! Here is my revised Goal Getting Guide as a gift to you. Let me know how I can help.
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