Soar to Success March 2019
Learning Strategies For By Jack Klemeyer A few basic learning strategies can help you in your career or business. They also can make you the person who always has something interesting to say. You CAN OHDUQPRUH HIĆFLHQWO\ 6HW \RXU JRDO WR XVH RQH RU DOO six of these learning strategy techniques. Practice the ones you choose until they become habit then choose another. Create Anticipation and Curiosity You learn more effectively with curiosity and anticipationworking for you, but howdo you create this state of mind? One way is to end each learning session with a question or two clearly in your mind. This creates the sense of anticipation and curiosity that will help you next time you study. Prepare To Learn When you want to learn newmaterial, expose your mind to it as soon as possible, before you even feel UHDG\ RU KDYH WLPH WR VWXG\ 7KH ĆUVW VWDJH RI learning is the part where you look at new ideas and say, "huh?" It's important to do this quickly. Reviewing everything for a few minutes, and your other than conscious mind will start "incubating" WKH QHZFRQFHSWV DQG ĆQGLQJ VRPHZD\ WR RUJDQL]H them. RelateWhat You Know To The New Knowledge When you sit down to study new material, relate it to what you already know. Compare and contrast Six 2019
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