Soar to Success March 2019
3 Traits That Guarantee Success 2 3 When Soar to Success asked Lynn Robinson what three traits she found in most successful people, she replied quickly. 1 Successful people use self-talk to attract what they want and to EXLOG FRQ ߑ GHQFH ,ژ FDQ GR WKLV ڕ,ژ ڙ OO ߑ JXUH LW RXW ڙ “I have the skills necessary,” are all examples of positive self-talk. Trust your Intuition. Listen to your inner GPS. Do those things that you know will work for you with your own unique skills and talents. Persistence to continue even when things don’t seem to be going your way. Just because your dream hasn’t materialized LQ WKH ߑ UVW PRQWK RU HYHQ VL[ months, is not a reason to give up on it. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article as sending an email, going to a networking event, taking a class, or listening to a podcast. $W WKH HQG RI D ߑ YH GD\ ZRUN week, you have 15 things that you have taken action on. Pay special attention to the ones that feel enlivening, have positive energy or give you the feeling that . . . ,ژ RXJKW WR GR WKDW ڙ Although Lynn loves to travel and meet new people, much of her business today is spent at her KRPH RI ߑ FH RQ 6N\SH RU =RRP FDOOV with clients. She’s also a sought- after speaker and has a trip to Tokyo scheduled for later this year. She’s been invited for the past several years by a Japanese colleague to teach intuition to his audiences. (Through an interpreter, of course.) Working with Asian audiences has been enlightening and fun for her. If you would like to learn more about trusting your intuition or scheduling an intuitive reading, visit her website: https://LynnRobinson. com. You can also reach her via email at: Lynn@LynnRobinson. com. She is also on all social media platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Lynn is also offering a free e-book to our readers called “Six Ways to Supercharge Your Intuition.” Hope you download a copy and please go listen to th e podcast of our discussion that provided the foundation for this article.
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