Soar to Success March 2019

ached, and her stomach hurt at the thought of taking the new position. Lynn then asked her to imagine what it would feel like if she declined the offer and waited for another. Even though the woman was desperate to ߑ QG D QHZ MRE she responded that her feelings were much calmer, and that the physical distress and anxiety disappeared. This exercise gave the client a clear answer to the question about the new job. (And several weeks later she reported receiving an offer for her dream job.) According to Lynn, if a decision feels draining, boring, or brings on a heavy feeling, it’s your intuition saying that it’s time for a new direction and to move towards the things that feel exciting, energizing or that you’re curious about. -ژ XVW NHHS WDNLQJ VPDOO VWHSV LQ WKDW QHZ GLUHFWLRQ ڙ When we asked Lynn for a tool that business owners could use to tap into their intuition, she shared her three-step intuitive plan to grow your business: Step 1: Get as clear as possible about what you want. -What would success look like? -How many customers would you have? -Who are your ideal customers? :KDW NLQG RI RI ߑ FH PLJKW \RX KDYH" -How do you want to be viewed in your business world? Write those items down in a journal or create a vision board. Use pictures and words from magazine to provide a visualization of what success looks like to you. Step 2: Visualization is very important. Olympic athletes do it and many successful business people visualize the outcomes they desire. Meditate for 10 or 15 minutes in the morning. After that, begin to visualize and “self-talk.” An example of self-talk would be, ژ 2K ZRZ %XVLQHVV LV ߒ RZLQJ 0\ DSSRLQWPHQW ERRN LV ߑ OOHG , ORYH P\ MRE , ڕ P PDNLQJ ;; QXPEHU RI GROODUV D \HDU RU PRUH ڙ Step 3: Place your hand over your heart and ask. . . :ژ KDW WKUHH WKLQJV FRXOG , GR WRGD\ WR PRYH LQ WKLV QHZ GLUHFWLRQ" ڙ Pay attention to that still, quiet place inside of you and see what comes to mind. It could be as simple