Soar to Success March 2019

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article ژ 3OHDVH VLW WKHUH ڙ Lynn felt it unusual to have assigned seating at a funeral but did as directed and was seated next to another woman. When she turned to acknowledge the person who had instructed her where to sit, there was no one there. The woman she sat by turned out to be a reporter for the Boston Globe. Lynn met with her after that happenstance meeting to give her an intuitive reading. The new acquaintance wrote a complimentary article about the experience and Lynn soon became inundated with over 500 new clients. This was 30 years ago, and her career took off from there. Over the years, Lynn has written seven books about better understanding intuition. Her latest effort, “Put <RXU ,QWXLWLRQ WR :RUN ڙ relates to making successful business decisions. +HU YHU\ ߑ UVW ERRN 'ژ LYLQH ,QWXLWLRQ ڙ is her favorite and she revised and updated it recently. Lynn understands that many people are going through a transition period in their life. These times — whether personal or business-related — are often fraught with anxiety. They wonder what’s the best path for them, and ask . . . :ژ KDW DUH P\ QH[W VWHSV" ڙ Lynn enjoys working through those issues with individuals to help them better understand what their intuition is really telling them. Intuition is one’s inner compass and when we pay attention, it points us in the right direction. Most people, however, need help to hear it. ,ژ W ڕ V RIWHQ KHOSIXO WR KDYH DQ REMHFWLYH RXWVLGH REVHUYHU XQUDYHO WKH URDG EORFNV WR KHOS WKHP DFFHVV WKHLU LQWXLWLRQ ڙ Lynn has found that there are various ways intuition communicates. It comes via emotions, dreams, physical sensations and “aha” moments. It also communicates through an inner voice. She notes that she wishes the volume were higher on the latter! But the guidance is there if one is open to hear and feel it. One tip she gives her clients is to try a decision on for size. When a recent client, who had been offered a new job, tried the exercise, her heart and chest