Soar to Success March 2019

Putting Intuition to Work F or 30 years, Lynn Robinson has used her intuition to help clients better understand their own intuitive SRZHUV WR GH ߑ QH JRDOV DQG LPSURYH WKHLU businesses, as well as their lives. As everyone knows, change and transition is a constant in life and business, and making the ULJKW FKRLFH LV RIWHQ GLI ߑ FXOW /\QQ 5RELQVRQ understands that when people tap into their deeper feeling, also known as intuition, that the decision-making process can be made easier. She offers insightful guidance and encourages her clients to develop their own intuition. She didn’t always do this. In fact, she began her working life as an operations manager for a software company, but soon realized . . . ژ 2K P\ JRVK , GRQ ڕ W ZDQW WR EH WKLV ZKHQ , JURZ XS ڙ She knew she wanted to help people and be involved in the psychological area, but not as a clinical psychologist. Lynn enrolled in an Intuition Development class and found that she was good at tuning into people. Then a career counselor suggested that Lynn consider pursuing intuitive counseling as a career. At the time there was no model to follow for that type of business, but the counselor encouraged her to make her own way and WDXJKW KHU DERXW YLVXDOL]DWLRQ DQG DI ߑ UPDWLRQV ,ژ HQYLVLRQHG D EHDXWLIXO RI ߑ FH ZLWK KDSS\ FOLHQWV DQG P\ DSSRLQWPHQW ERRN ߑ OOHG ZLWK SHRSOH VHHNLQJ LQWXLWLYH UHDGLQJV ڙ Law of Attraction Accelerates her Career Choice Shortly after Lynn’s decision to change career paths, a dear friend died after being sick for some time. Lynn attended his funeral and as she entered the funeral home, she heard a woman say . . . Lynn Robinson: