Soar to Success March 2019
Diane Helbig is an international business and leadership change agent, author of Lemonade Stand Selling and Expert Insights, speaker, and host of Accelerate Your Business Growth Radio show. As president of Seize This Day, Diane helps businesses and organizations operate PRUH FRQVWUXFWLYHO\ DQG SUR ߑ WDEO\ XVLQJ her expertise in small business, sales, social media, networking, and leadership. Diane is the creator of theClarity of Course Sales Training Program and the founder of Business Opportunity Network™, a business referral/mastermind program with chapters throughout the United States. Connect with Diane at Seize This Day and on Dr. Heather McKinney’s mission is to Spread Essential Oils, Wellness & Wholistic Living so you can Grow. Shine. Thrive. As one of the top Leaders with DoTERRA Essential Oils, she integrates essential oils into modern health and wellness to advance performance at KRPH ZRUN DQG OLIH 6KH LV DQ RI ߑ FLDO trainer of AromaTouch Technique, GHFUHDVLQJ VWUHVV DQG LQ ߒ DPPDWLRQ plus increasing emotional balance and immune systems. For helpful tips, recipes, videos and more, visit . Also connect with her on Author, entrepreneur, IT expert and speaker, Jeanne DeWitt has over 30 years of IT experience helping businesses navigate their way through the ever changing world of technology. Starting CPU, Inc. back in 1986, along with her partner David Hood, she has now become an international, go-to-source for expert advice in the IT Industry including Cloud Services, Infrastructure Security and Support, Cybersecurity, VoIP Phone Technologies, Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Continuity Planning. Connect with Jeanne at her website, Hire An IT Expert as well as on Watch Diane’s Video Series Watch Heather’s Video Series Watch Jeanne’s Video Series Diane Helbig Dr. Heather McKinney Jeanne DeWitt We all recognize we live in a world where the number of hours in a day has not changed, yet the sheer volume of demands we face has grown exponentially. - .ULV 7KDOOHU LV D &HUWL ߑ HG /LIH &RDFK 6KH FRDFKHV VPDUW motivated professionals who have too much to do in a day and too little time to do it in. She helps them to re-design their days so they can succeed in life and work, and do it with ease instead of struggle in this busy world. Connect with Kris on her website and also on Debra Reis is a nurse, teacher and author specializing in holistic health and supportive therapies. She is the director DQG DQ LQVWUXFWRU IRU WKH &HUWL ߑ FDWLRQ LQ &OLQLFDO $URPDWKHUDS\ program for the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy and nationally known expert in the area of essential oils for cancer care. Deb is also a Nia Black Belt instructor with current UHVHDUFK DQG UHFHQW SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ WKH DUHD RI 1LD EHQH ߑ WV IRU women with a breast cancer diagnosis. She is the founder of the Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (STEP) to assist organizations to implement and integrate supportive therapies into a patient treatment plan for better outcomes. Connect with Deb at and on Watch Kris’s Video Series Watch Deb’s Video Series Kris Thaller Debra Reis Our Contributors
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