Soar to Success March 2019
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies reported lower work performance, lower physical wellbeing and lower level of satisfaction. In this VWXG\ LW UHćHFWHG WKDW ZRUN DQG SHUIRUPDQFHZHUHPRVW QHJDWLYHO\ DIIHFWHGZKHQ FDUHJLYHUV IHOW they could not share their concerns with coworkers and supervisors. Not surprisingly employees reported more problems and diminished performance in work places where they felt there was DQ REOLJDWLRQ WR VDFULĆFH WLPH QHHGHG WR DWWHQG WR FDUHJLYLQJ RU IDPLO\ UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV ,W LV FUXFLDO that supervisors receive training on work life issues so that employees can be well supported. This in turnwill lead to lower rates of turn over and stress as well as improved health andwellness for employees. %HQHĆWV such as employee assistance programs, effective elder care work place programs, crisis LQWHUYHQWLRQ VWUHVV PDQDJHPHQW DQG GHSHQGHQW FDUH WD[ FUHGLW DUH DPRQJ WKH EHQHĆWV WKDW employers could explore. Services such as education on caregiving, individual and family long termcare planning, resources on caregiving and community involvement are a fewservicesworth considering. Is it worth having an effective caregiving and eldercare program? 7KH DQVZHU LV D '(),1,7( <(6 3URJUHVVLYH HPSOR\HUV OLVWHQ WR WKH UHVHDUFK VHH WKH SRWHQWLDO savings, and consider the investment into their corporations. For a free consultation on how to LQYHVW LQ \RXU HPSOR\HHV DQG ERRVW SURĆWV WKURXJK DQ HIIHFWLYH HOGHU FDUH ZRUN SODFH SURJUDP SOHDVH HPDLO PH DW 6WHOOD#6WHOOD1621* FRP RU FDOO $*,1* RU
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