Soar to Success March 2019
2. Re-examine your standards. My guess is that you are overly critical of yourself. Right? OK, do this exercise often - pretend your friend is asking your opinion about their performance at a certain task or the results of a project. What would you say? I bet if your results or performance where the same as theirs, you would not be as critical on them as you would be on yourself. 3. Look at the big picture. Ask yourself if what you’re worried about,that thing that is stopping you from taking action, will matter next week, next month, next year? Probably not. So criticizing yourself over the situation won’t help either. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies 4. Share your works-in-progress. Yep, that’s right. Share the drafts that have mistakes and typos. Just make sure it’s marked “DRAFT”. Consider doing this as therapy that will help you fight the urge to make sure everything is perfect before anyone sees it. 5. Set more realistic goals. Instead of setting the goal “I will write a NYT bestseller” and then getting completely overwhelmedby thisbig, hairy, audaciousdream and freezing up, break it down into manageable steps with reasonable timelines. Then go back to #1 – Do something. And remember –Whatever Your Goal or Dream… WE Can Make it Happen.
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