Soar to Success March 2019
The same is true when networking online. Networking isn’t really about selling at the WLPH ,WèV DERXW EXLOGLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSV 6HOOLQJ come later. 6R ZKDW VKRXOG \RXU JRDO EH" 7R OHDUQ VRPHWKLQJ DERXW SHRSOH 7KDWèV LW 'HFLGH WKDW ZKDW \RX ZDQW WR DFFRPSOLVK LV ĆQGLQJ people who you have some synergy with; people who are also interested in building business relationships. In order to do this, you need to be very present and interested in getting to know them. Being present is the key. When you are truly focused on the other person you will identify whether they are someone you want to continue to get to know. You’ll pick up on the signals they send. You can’t be present if you are thinking about what you need. Now, when you make those connections it’s important to followup. Reach out to the people youmeet andschedulecoffeeor a followupcall. Business relationships take energy. When you QHWZRUN RQOLQH GR \RXU KRPHZRUN ĆUVW 6HHN to connect with people who you think would be good resources for you and your connections. And please, tell them why you want to connect with them. Don’t assume they will know, or that because they look like a good resource that means they are one! You still have to go through the process of getting to know them. Have your goal, work your process, be present, and take your time. You will gain far more from this system than from having a goal of making a sale. And your success will be long term. k 6HL]H 7KLV 'D\ SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies
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