Soar to Success March 2019

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies and nervous systems. It may also promotes clear, smooth skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes. Possible Uses: • $GG WR GURSV RI 'R7HUUD &RSDLED WR water, juice, or tea to aid in support of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory system. This also helps as an antioxidant and to calm the nervous system. • 7RSLFDOO\ $SSO\ GURSV FRPELQHG ZLWK D FDUULHU RLO RU D IDFLDO PRLVWXUL]HU WR KHOS NHHS skin clean and clear, and to help reduce the appearance of blemishes 3. Vetiver – A calming, grounding effect on the emotions. It is ideal to use in massage therapy. It can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to promote a restful night’s sleep. It also supports the immune system. It is rather thick oil, so use a toothpick to help get the desired amount out of the bottle. Possible Uses: • Rub into muscles to help calm emotions. • Take a warm bath with a few drops of DoTerra Vetiver essential oil for deep relaxation. • 'LIIXVH ZLWK 'R7HUUDèV /DYHQGHU 6HUHQLW\p RU %DODQFHp WR FDOP HPRWLRQV DQG OHVVHQ stress. /LYH EHWWHU DQG OLJKWHUðRQH GURS DW D WLPH *R WR 6SUHDG2LOV com and start to receive essential oils at wholesale discounts, ULJKW WR \RXU GRRU 3/86 $V DQ DGGHG %2186 JDLQ DFFHVV to my personal, holistic wellness support. New to essential oils? Wonderful! Reach out to us at email: to ask questions, one/one support, plus Virtual Conference Calls. Come join us online at http:// and #spreadoils. Essential Oil Safety & Cautions: This content is for information purposes. Possible skin sensitivity ZLWK DQ\ RLO 3OHDVH DOZD\V GLOXWH ZLWK 7EVS RU PRUH RI GR7(55$ )UDFWLRQDWHG &RFRQXW 2LO WR PLQLPL]H VNLQ VHQVLWLYLW\ .HHS RXW RI UHDFK RI FKLOGUHQ 6WDWHPHQWV QRW HYDOXDWHG E\ FDA, nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Keep out of eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. With citrus, avoid VXQOLJKW RU 89 UD\V IRU XS WR KRXUV DIWHU DSSO\LQJ SURGXFW