Soar to Success March 2019

T KH DYHUDJH KHDOWK\ DGXOW LV EXLOW IRU KRXUV RI wakefulness and needs an average of eight hours RI VOHHS SHU QLJKW 6RPH SHRSOH VWLOO SHUIRUP DW WKHLU SHDN ZLWK KRXUV ZKLOH RWKHUV QHHG KRXUV RU PRUH Contrary to common myth, the need for sleep doesn’t decline with age but rather the ability to sleep for six to eight hours at one time may reduce. (Van Dongen & 'LQJHV 3ULQFLSOHV 3UDFWLFH RI 6OHHS 0HGLFLQH Did you know these sleep stats for the general population: UHSRUWHG QRGGLQJ RII RU falling asleep while driving at least once in the preceding month. PLOOLRQ 86 DGXOWV KDYH D sleep disorder. UHSRUWHG XQLQWHQWLRQDOO\ falling asleep during the day at least once in the preceding month. Regardless of the reason, disrupted sleep builds up and creates havoc on the emotions and nervous system. (VVHQWLDO RLOV FDQ SURYLGH DQ DPD]LQJ QDWXUDO VXSSRUW for better sleep. Here are my top 3 favorite essential oils to naturally help support healthier sleep, nervous systems and brain function. 1. Serenity - The gentle, tranquil effects of this blend can be sensed immediately and ignites a blissful state. It promotes relaxation to help lessen feelings of tension, to calm emotions and support a restful sleep when used aromatically. 6HUHQLW\ DOVR KHOSV WR FDOP WKH PLQG DQG VRRWKH WKH senses. Possible Uses: • Apply one to two drops to the hands and inhale throughout the day to help reduce worry from life’s daily stressors, or diffuse at night to help quiet a restless baby or child. • Diffuse at night to calma restless baby or child. • Apply to bottoms of feet at bedtime to help unwind before going to sleep. Use in FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK GR7(55$ 6HUHQLW\ 5HVWIXO &RPSOH[ 6RIWJHOV IRU DQ HQKDQFHG HIIHFW • Inhale directly from hands or diffuse throughout the day to help lesson tension. • $GG å GURSV LQWR D ZDUP EDWK ZLWK (SVRP salts to create a relaxing, renewing experience. • $SSO\ å GURSV WR WKH EDFN RI WKH QHFN RU RQ the heart for feelings of calmness and peace. 2. Copaiba - 6LQFH WKH WK FHQWXU\ &RSDLED HVVHQWLDO RLO KDV EHHQ XWLOL]HG LQ traditional health practices by the natives RI QRUWK DQG QRUWKHDVWHUQ %UD]LO ,W KHOSV to calm and soothe the nervous system. Although Copaiba does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids, the main component caryophyllene may be neuroprotective DQG KDYH FDUGLRYDVFXODU DQG LPPXQH EHQHĆWV It’s also a powerful antioxidant that may promote immune health. Copaiba also supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, respiratory By Heather McKinney Wiegering, PhD