Soar to Success March 2019

/HWèV IDFH LW \RX FDQ SXW WKH LFLQJ RQ WKH FDNH EXW you can’t hide what’s inside. People are smart, they see it. Remember, people want authenticity over perfection. However, that doesn’tmean you should WKURZ XS \RXU KDQGV DQG VD\ êWKLV LV MXVW ZKR , DPë That too conveys a message, one you may not want. Are you really giving the world your best? 6R KRZ GR ZH VKRZ XS FRQĆGHQW evenwhenwemight not be feeling VR FRQĆGHQW RU ZKHQ ZH ĆQG ourselves running on autopilot? &RQĆGHQFH LV QRW VRPHWKLQJ \RX are born with, or something that happens to you. It’s a habit you GHYHORSRYHU WLPH 6NLOOVRU WDOHQWV that are developed by turning off the auto pilot and beingmore intentional about our FKRLFHV FUHDWH FRQĆGHQFH 3RVLWLYH DIĆUPDWLRQV dressing with authority, improving body language, and leveraging your strengths are some ways to LPSURYH \RXU FRQĆGHQFH %XW XQOLNH FRQĆGHQFH WUXH VHOI FRQĆGHQFH LV DQ overall mindset about your ability in all areas that are important to you. It’s future thinking. What is your belief about your abilities? Do you have a JURZWKPLQGVHW RU DĆ[HGPLQGVHW" 6HOI FRQĆGHQFH is really about emotion. Coach %URRNH &DVWLOOR VWDWHV ê6HOI FRQĆGHQFH FRPHV IURP NQRZLQJ that I can experience any emotion and handle any feeling that comes my way, because I can manage P\ PLQGVHW ë /HDUQ WR JHQHUDWH WKH IHHOLQJ RI VHOI FRQĆGHQFH E\ knowing that you manage your PLQGVHW 7U\ WKLV DIĆUPDWLRQ , believe in my ability to get results, no matter how long it takes, how many times I have to fail, or what I need to learn. 7KLV SURPRWHV D JURZWK PLQGVHW 6HOI FRQĆGHQFH is your ability to know that you can handle any QHJDWLYH HPRWLRQ NHHS JRLQJ DQG OLYH OLIH ZLWK VHOI FRQĆGHQFH SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies