Soar to Success March 2019
T KH DODUP JRHV RII UHDFKLQJ WR KLW WKH VQRR]H \RX PLJKW EH ZLVKLQJ IRU MXVW ĆYH PRUH minutes. Before you know it your mind is already racingwithall that youhaveonyour agenda today. The tasks tocomplete, thepeopleyouhave to see or talk with, the approaching project deadline, the family events of the day and transporting required, the planning and preparation needed. Or maybe you are just on autopilot with your morning routine. That’s where I believe most of us are, running from autopilot to go, go, go; without much thought about how we show up to the world, until we encounter people. Whether those people are positive or negative, often our energy will naturally match theirs. As a result, we allowour environment to dictate how we show up. How you show up starts with your image. Visually, we speak volumes. You’ve heard a picture is worth a thousand words and that we need to dress for success. In fact, research shows that it changes how you perform. It is also why actors in a play have a dress rehearsal, or speakers dress to connect with their audience. Certainly, how we dress conveys a message about us. But your image is just as much an inside job as an outside one. Confidence Self-Confidence vs. By Lynnette Begue-Lavery
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