Soar to Success March 2019

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Personal Growth Strategies The Procedure is Over, But the Pain Lingers On Yes, the bypass was successful. The chemotherapy worked. The kidney was a perfect match. Does this mean that your job is over? Modern medicine is truly miraculous. There seems no end to the ways we can cure diseases and repair injuries. But medical procedures can be brutal on the body. Patients are often left with distressing side effects and unpleasant consequences of treatment. Take the Next S T E P for Your Patients THE SUPPORTIVE THERAPY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM (STEP) will help you implement or improve a Supportive Therapy program in your institution. Integrating therapies which address side effects of medical procedures is the next STEP toward better total patient outcomes. Supportive Therapies for Better Outcomes 419-349-1815 Cedarwood 3URPRWHV VHOI FRQĆGHQFH DQG brings balance and grounding. Inhale deeply to begin your day with your intention and/ or place it on the soles of your feet to keep you on your path. Lemon Uplifts and can soothe mental exhaustion. Inhale or diffuse to keep your space fresh and support creativity to your plans and actions! Orange Brightens your energy and gives a positive feeling. Consider using your citrus oils in an inhaler where they can be used frequently throughout your day keeping you motivated on your path of dreams! Please visit my website for free ebooks and my latest online course offer to use essential oils in your everyday life.