Soar to Success March 2019
We are a couple of months into the New Year. Are you still motivated to go after those goals and dreams you were thinking about as the calendar turned to 2019? Sometimes it is a challenge to know where to begin or how to maintain momentum to achieve goals or plans for this year. Did you know that essential oils can motivate and help us to stay focused so we can plan and create our dreams? Here are the essential oils that can make a difference for you: By Debra Reis, RN Copaiba Can encourage emotional healing. It quiets the restless mind and helps one to focus. It has a natural chemistry that SURYLGHV DQWL LQćDPPDWRU\ qualities. This is a gentle oil to inhale or apply to the skin with powerful actions. Basil Clears and protects. It can help to strengthen your focus, SURYLGH VHOI FRQĆGHQFH DQG improve motivation. A strong aroma that can uplift but dilute if using on the skin. Black Pepper Can help relieve mental fatigue and improve energy. It contains natural ingredients that bring comfort to a stressed system. This oil blends well with others and has good attitude!
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