Soar to Success March 2019
transferring a good title. Often you are doing the work for the seller in making sure there are no stumbling blocks to getting the deal closed. Insurance Provider – Find out what your insurance provider needs to make his/her job HDV\ *HW D TXRWH HDUO\ LQ RUGHU WR JHW WKH EHVW rate and make sure there are no outstanding claims on the property. Tenants – Be aware that your investment is someone’s home. Work to make sure that they are included in the transition so that they can IHHO VDIH WKDW WKHLU ZRUOG ZRQèW EH MHRSDUGL]HG by having a new landlord. If this is your business take the time to GHYHORS QRW RQO\ D ZRUNLQJ FKHFNOLVW EXW D ĆUP timeline project management sheet. These two elements will build successful habits and prevent you from missing something that might cost you. This is as important in making your investment EXVLQHVV UXQ VPRRWKO\ DV LV ĆQGLQJ DQG negotiating great deals. When you make it easy for sellers to release the property and move on to whatever is next for them, they will tell others and who knows what kind of impact that can have on your business success. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies
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