Soar to Success March 2019
A s a professional real estate investor, your mission should be to develop systems that make every part of doing business with your company easy and WLPHO\ *HWWLQJ IURP FRQWUDFW WR FORVLQJ RQ DQ investment can be seamless if you develop a keen understanding of the process and outline systems to follow each time. Akeyistounderstandtheprocessandtheteams that participate. As a professional you build trust in all parties to the transaction by being both an excellent communicator and facilitator and being transparent in your actions. Here’s a list that will help you in creating your systems: Home Inspection Team – *HW WKHP OLQHG up early so that you can quickly get clearance to move the deal forward. Provide them with clear expectations so that their inspections can be thorough without being disruptive to the tenants. Property Management Team – 8WLOL]H themtoget leases transferredoverandsecurity deposits in place. Review prorated rents and security deposits so that there is a clear WUDQVIHU RI IXQGV DW FORVLQJ 8WLOL]H D WHQDQW HVWRSHO FHUWLĆFDWH WR FRQĆUP WKH DJUHHPHQW between current landlord and tenant (amount of rent and security deposit between each tenant.) Verify responsible parties for utilities and verify with the service providers that they are up to date. Lender – 0DNH VXUH DOO GRFXPHQWV DUH LQ place so that the transaction goes smoothly. Be timely in getting documents to the lender so that there will not be any unforeseen delays. Connect them with the title company so that they can work together in the process. Title Company – *HW WKH VHDUFK GRQH VR that youknowthere arenooutstanding liens on the property that would hinder the seller from Contract to Closing Made Simple By Karen Cupp
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