Soar to Success March 2019
K eeping your ear to the ground... that’s what we called it back in the day. Today, many internet content professionals and social PHGLD DĆFLRQDGRV FDOO LW êWUROOLQJë 7KDWèV what I did thispastweekend; Iwent internet trolling to look for information about cloud computing trends that are starting to brew up for the year. There’s A State of Confusion I recently joined a Facebook group with DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PHPEHUV PDGH XS RI 0DQDJHG ,7 6HUYLFH 3URYLGHUV 7KHVH 063V UDQJH LQ VL]H IURP YHU\ VPDOO WR SHRSOH RSHUDWLRQV ULJKW XS WR ODUJH ZHOO H[SHULHQFHG 063V 7KH FRPPRQ WKHPH , JRW IURP WKLV 063 )DFHERRN group is that there’s still mass confusion when it FRPHV WR WKH &ORXG $QG ,èP VXUH WKDW RWKHU 063 JURXSV HLWKHU RQOLQH OLNH WKLV RQH RU RWKHUV suffer from the same issue.) , ZRQèW VD\ DOO EHFDXVH WKHUH DUH PDQ\ 063V ZKR KDYH WKH &ORXG ĆJXUHG RXW 7KHVH DUH WKH YRLFHV you rarely hear in a public setting. They know exactly what their offering looks like, how to price it, and what businesses are prime candidates for the Cloud. Where to Turn For Help I’ve made it my personal mission to work with 0DQDJHG ,7 6HUYLFH &RPSDQLHV WKDW DUH VWUXJJOLQJ to make sense of the Cloud. After all, there’s a bunch of noise out there. It seems that everyone KDV DQ RSLQLRQ 6R PDQ\ FORXG YHQGRUV VD\ WKDW WKH\ KDYH WKH EHVW VROXWLRQ IRU 0DQDJHG 6HUYLFH Providers. If everyone has the best solution for you, who’s truly the best? Here are 3 tips to help you select the right Cloud Partner for your MSP business: 1. Look for experience: &38 RIIHUV years of experience in the technology world, and not all of it in the Cloud. G etting The Right Advice? Tips For Cloud Computing In 2019 By Jeanne DeWitt Are You 3
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