Soar to Success December 2019

PAT ALTVATER Morning Routine: Do You Have One? Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing I t seems like the topic of consistent morning routines has been coming into my awareness from different avenues for the last six months. Do you think the Universe is trying to get my attention? Before, my typical morning, if I was not traveling, consisted of getting up, making the bed, brushing my teeth, making some tea and jumping on the computer in P\ KRPH RI ߑ FH , ڕ P SUHWW\ FRQ ߑ GHQW WKDW GRHVQ ڕ W TXDOLI\ as an effective morning routine. ߑ , QDOO\ PDGH WKH GHFLVLRQ WR be more intentional around my morning routine. Just to be clear, a morning routine GRHVQ ڕ W PHDQ JHWWLQJ XS DW D FHUWDLQ WLPH RU GRLQJ D VHW of activities that someone else prescribes are best. No, LW ڕ V VHWWLQJ XS KDELWV WKDW DUH EHVW IRU \RX WKRVH WKDW give you energy and allow you to be more productive throughout your day, and then doing them consistently every day. From all of the possible morning routine activities, I selected the ones that most resonate with me. After getting up, I make the bed and brush my teeth, then I PHGLWDWH , VWDUWHG ZLWK MXVW ߑ YH PLQXWHV EHFDXVH , ZDV DQWV\ DQG ZDQWHG WR JHW LQWR P\ RI ߑ FH $V WKH WLPH KDV gone by, I have adapted some guided imagery, prayer and meditation into that time. Then I stretch….maybe by QH[W PRQWK , ڕ OO EH DFWXDOO\ H[HUFLVLQJ RQ WKH HTXLSPHQW WKDW ߑ OOV P\ EDVHPHQW )LQDOO\ , ZULWH LQ P\ MRXUQDO Megan Patton and I have designed a journal for our retreat and I just love it! It gives me the opportunity to YLVXDOL]H P\ GD\ ZULWH GRZQ VRPH DI ߑ UPDWLRQV DQG EH intentional about the activities I am planning for the day. Our featured expert this month has a morning routine… check it out here. Let me know your morning routine and if you are interested in learning more about the retreat that Megan and I are hosting in January, visit this page. (QMR\ DOO WKH DUWLFOHV LQ WKLV LVVXH DQG GRQ ڕ W IRUJHW WR WDNH advantage of the links provided.