Soar to Success October 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / October 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies Russiainthe1980’s. ReaganwouldtrustGorbachev to keep to his word about ending the Nuclear Arms Race. But Reagan, unlike other leaders before him, ZDQWHG YHULĆFDWLRQ WKDW WKH 5XVVLDQV ZHUH OLYLQJ up to their end of the bargain. This important lesson would have saved our partner from a few embarrassing moments with their previous cloud service provider. We all know in business that trust should never be immediately offered. We don’t expect our clients and partners to trust us immediately. It takes time – sometimes months or years – to build trust with a business partner. And we all know and appreciate that trust can be eroded much faster than it takes to build. Businesses that continue to trust without YHULĆFDWLRQ PDNH PRUH HUURUV KDYH D KLJK percentage of upset clients, struggle to meet the needs of the marketplace and eventually may risk going out of business. Trust but verify is essential to your success. Verify everything. “Go Giver” author, Bob Burg ( talks about, “know, like and trust.” And one of CPU’s strategic business partners, Stuart Crawford from MSP marketing agency, Ulistic, adds “believe in.” ‘Know, like, trust, believe in” – and I would like to add “verify” to the end of this statement. ,QWURGXFLQJ$1HZ6 2 3 9HULI\(YHU\WKLQJ Youmust verify everything. You can trust everyone who works with your organization from partners, clients, and vendors. But verify their work to ensure it meets the standards your organization hopes to achieve. Practicing “Trust But Verify” will ensure your organization continues to outperform your competitors and ultimately win the trust of your clients. The end result – business growth, and exceptional standards are constantly achieved. :DQW WR HQJDJH LQ D ê7UXVW %XW 9HULI\ë discussion? I welcome you to contact me through our website at cloudservicesformsps. com.