Soar to Success November 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU )HDWXUH $UWLFOH .DWLH KDG WKLV WR VD\ “Working in my own business has become my passion; I never feel like I am working. Stella’s program pushed me outside my comfort zone and provided the training for my personal and professional growth.” 5DPRQD 5HHYHV IURP %U\Q 0DU 3HQQV\OYDQLD ZDV DOVR VHDUFKLQJ IRU D ZD\ WR EUDQFK RXW RQ KHU RZQ DQG KDSSHQHG WR PHHW 6WHOOD DW D FRQIHUHQFH ODVW \HDU 6KH IRXQG KHU SURJUDP XQOLNH RWKHU VWDUW \RXU RZQ EXVLQHVV PRGHOV ZDV OHVV H[SHQVLYH WR EHJLQ DQG SURYLGHG WKH NQRZOHGJH WUDLQLQJ DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ WR QRW RQO\ JHW \RX VWDUWHG EXW DOVR KHOS \RX VWD\ LQ EXVLQHVV ژ 6WHOOD ڕ V SURJUDP QRW RQO\ KHOSV FUHDWH ߑ QDQFLDO freedom, but it also includes the training and assistance necessary to get my business up and running. I now operate two care- giving companies, Comforting Caregivers of Pennsylvania and Comfort Flex Infusion based in Bryn Mar, Pennsylvania. Even though I am ZRUNLQJ ORQJHU KRXUV , DP PRUH IXO ߑ OOHG DQG enjoying the process.” 5DPRQD 5HHYHV <RODQGUD 'UDNH LV EDVHG LQ +RXVWRQ 7H[DV ZKHUH VKH RZQV DQG RSHUDWHV <RODK &DUHJLYLQJ 6ROXWLRQV 6KH IRXQG The 100 Nurse Millionaires Challenge YLD D *RRJOH VHDUFK 6KH KDG ZDQWHG WR EXLOG KHU RZQ EXVLQHVV IRU VHYHUDO \HDUV EXW WKH ULJKW RSSRUWXQLW\ KDG QHYHU FRPH DORQJ <RODQGUD FRPPHQWHG “I’ve worked as a nurse for many years at various levels of the nursing industry. In hospital case management, as a traveling nurse, as well as, the corporate side of nursing. I thought I knew a little bit about business. When I took Stella’s class, I realized that I didn’t have the business fundamentals necessary to be successful. Her program covers not only the operations side, but the importance of creating policy, procedures and marketing. I quickly found several business areas in which I was lacking. I found it extremely important to have someone help me put a plan together, as well as, the operating systems in place, and best of all, I didn’t have to do it alone.” &DVH\ +XJKHV ZKR LV ORFDWHG LQ )ODJVWDII $UL]RQD DQG RSHUDWHV DV 1XUVH &DVH\ //& KDG WKLV WR VD\ “Meeting Stella Nsong and joining the 100 Nurse Millionaire Programhas been life changing. It has allowed me to become a successful entrepreneur through Stella’s invaluable coaching and guidance. It has allowed me to make my dream of caring for our community members in their Katie Klem Ramona Reeves Yolandra Drake and Stella Nsong