Soar to Success November 2018

D o you hate networking events because you don’t knowwhat to ask or say? Are you avoiding events, or sitting alone when you do attend? There are some great ways to start solid conversations. It’ll change how you feel about venturing out! Networking has gotten so structured and FDQQHG WKDW LW FDQ EH DQ DZIXO H[SHULHQFH And, many say it is a total waste of time. Well, we really have to network because we need to develop relationships with people. We need resources to refer and to receive referrals from. We need to connect with the businesses and professionals in our area. Asking someone what they do is really one of the worst things we can do. Why? %HFDXVH WKH\ZLOO WHOO XVZKDW WKH\ GR 7KH\ZLOO WDON DERXW LW LQ D ZD\ WKDW MXVW GRHVQèW PDWWHU WR us. And we do the same thing. The result is this – no one listens to anyone else. Now that really IS a waste of time. The best way to start building a relationship is to ask a question that gets the person talking. We should be asking meaningful questions. Let’s give up on the small talk! No one likes it anyway. +HUH DUH ZD\V WR VWDUW D FRQYHUVDWLRQ WKDW are more impactful. Different Business Question Instead of asking –what do you do? – try asking ‘what do you do in your business? You’ll get a SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV By Diane Helbig Conversation Starters to Develop Meaningful Business Relationships