Soar to Success November 2018

Online Tools & Applications 7KH &ORXG LV IXOO RI JUHDW DSSOLFDWLRQV WKDW OHDGHUV can use to run their companies effectively. A few of my personal favorites are: Traction Tools: If you’re not familiar with Traction DQG (26 JR RXW DQG JHW *LQR :LFNPDQèV ERRN called Traction. There are online tools that can help you follow the principles taught in Traction such as: • Aligning your team, • +ROGLQJ PDQDJHUV DFFRXQWDEOH • Ensuring critical items are being dealt with, and • Keepingeveryoneonthesamewavelength. 0LFURVRIW 2IĆFH Who isn’t familiar with Microsoft?What most business professionals don’t NQRZ DERXW 0LFURVRIW 2IĆFH LV WKH PDVVLYH amount of software and services that it offers. Many of my peers aren’t aware of Microsoft Teams, %RRNLQJV 'HOYH DQG WKH PDQ\ RWKHU DSSOLFDWLRQV WKDW 2IĆFH SURYLGHV 7KHVH WRROV KHOS EXVLQHVV owners enhance communication, track company performance and much more. SharpSpring: Every business needs a marketing automation platform and a reliable way to communicate with their prospects and clients. In addition, you need to see the health of your sales pipeline at any time. Keeping your eye on your sales pipeline is crucial, and SharpSpring offers a platform to track the performance of your website, social media, email campaigns, and your sales pipeline. Do You Need A Strategic Cloud Partner? 7KH &ORXG DQG OHDGHUVKLS DUH FORVHO\ FRQQHFWHG There are many applications and services that EXVLQHVV OHDGHUV FDQ WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI 2XU WHDP DW &38 LV KHUH WR KHOS EXVLQHVV SURIHVVLRQDOV ZLWK their cloud technologies. Looking for a great partner? Let’s connect and see howwe can help.