Soar to Success November 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV 3RVVLEOH 8VHV • Add drops to a spray bottle for a quick, effective and pleasant aroma cleaning spray. • $GG GURSV GLOXWHG ZLWK GR7(55$ )UDFWLRQDWHG &RFRQXW 2LO WR FUHDWH D ZDUPLQJ ORWLRQ IRU FROG DFK\ MRLQWV GXULQJ winter time. 3. Wild Orange • 3RZHUIXO FOHDQVHU DQGSXULI\LQJ agent • Supports healthy immune function • Uplifting to the mind and body 3RVVLEOH 8VHV • Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify surfaces. • Diffuse to uplift mood and energy levels and to freshen the air. • For an energizing boost, dispense one to two drops in the palm of your hand DORQJ ZLWK HTXDO SDUWV 3HSSHUPLQW DQG )UDQNLQFHQVH 5XE SDOPV WRJHWKHU DQG inhale deeply from palms, then rub on the back of neck Live healthier and lighter…one drop at a time. Go to 6SUHDG2LOV FRP DQG VWDUW WR UHFHLYH HVVHQWLDO RLOV DW ZKROHVDOH GLVFRXQWV ULJKW WR \RXU GRRU 3/86 $V DQ DGGHG %2186 JDLQ DFFHVV WR P\ SHUVRQDO holistic wellness support. 1HZ WR HVVHQWLDO RLOV":RQGHUIXO 5HDFK RXW WR XV DW HPDLO VSUHDGRLOV#JPDLO FRP WR DVN TXHVWLRQV RQH RQH VXSSRUW SOXV 9LUWXDO &RQIHUHQFH &DOOV $QG MRLQ us online at Essential Oil Safety & Cautions: 7KLV FRQWHQW LV IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ SXUSRVHV 3RVVLEOH VNLQ VHQVLWLYLW\ ZLWK DQ\ RLO 3OHDVH DOZD\V GLOXWH ZLWK 7EVS RU PRUH RI GR7(55$ )UDFWLRQDWHG &RFRQXW 2LO WR PLQLPL]H VNLQ VHQVLWLYLW\ .HHS RXW RI UHDFK of children. Statements not evaluated by FDA, nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Keep out of eyes, inner ears, and sensitive DUHDV $YRLG VXQOLJKW RU 89 UD\V IRU XS WR KRXUV after applying product.