Soar to Success November 2018

Do You Like To Save Money? <RX &DQ With DIY Gifts Using 'UUGPVKCN 1KNU By Dr. Heather McKinney Wiegering, PhD Do you have a ‘do it yourself’ attitude? Do you like to VDYHPRQH\" )RUPDQ\ WKLQJV \RX VXUH FDQ +DYLQJ WKH DIY attitude gets you halfway there. The biggest part of simple, frugal living is learning to be reasonably VHOI VXIĆFLHQW $OO \RX QHHG LV D OLWWOH NQRZOHGJH H[SHULHQFH UHVRXUFHV DQG D PHWKRG RI VXSSRUW IRU H[WUD KHOS DQG JXLGDQFH 7KLV PD\ EH VRPHRQH LQ person, virtually or a combination of both. The DIY attitude is great for saving money over the KROLGD\V IRUELUWKGD\VDQGDOO \HDUJLIWJLYLQJ &UHDWLQJ DIY gifts naturally saves you money AND provides a unique, personal gift for any special occasion. From November through March, we love to diffuse 2Q*XDUG &LQQDPRQ DQG :LOG 2UDQJH WRJHWKHU ,W makes an incredible aroma that brightens our home all winter long. As a natural added bonus, it also helps to purify the air at the same time. Make the holidays evenbetter by creatingDIYgifts to share this amazing DURPD DQG LWV WKHUDSHXWLF EHQHĆWV ZLWK WKRVH \RX ORYH 3HUVRQDOO\ , HQMR\ JHWWLQJ WRJHWKHU ZLWK IDPLO\ and friends to make various personal gifts, roller bottles (diluted with fractionated coconut oil) or foot VFUXEV XVLQJ GURSV RI WKH IROORZLQJ HVVHQWLDO RLOV 1. OnGuard – Protective Blend • Supports healthy immune and respiratory function • Supports against environmental threats • Supports the body’s natural DQWLR[LGDQW GHIHQVHV • 3URPRWHV KHDOWK\ FLUFXODWLRQ • Energizing and uplifting aroma 3RVVLEOH 8VHV • Add to water for an effective all-purpose surface cleaner. • &RPELQH D IHZ GURSV RI GR7(55$ 2Q *XDUG ZLWK )UDFWLRQDWHG &RFRQXW 2LO IRU D natural hand cleanser. 2. Cinnamon • Supports healthy metabolic function • Supports a healthy immune system • Naturally repels insects • /RQJ XVHG WR ćDYRU IRRG DQG IRU LWV LQWHUQDO KHDOWK EHQHĆWV