Soar to Success November 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV &RQĆGHQFH FRPHV IURP RXU WKRXJKWV 2XU PLQGV DUH SRZHUIXO ZKDW DUH \RX feeding yours? What you feed your mind is your reality. Do you talk to yourself in the VDPH ZD\ \RX WDON WR RWKHUV" 3D\ DWWHQWLRQ to the thoughts in your head. Focus on the things you want more of in your life. Garbage in, garbage out; so instead choose thoughts that keep your glass half full. You have heard iron sharpens iron , so surround yourself with a supportive circle. &RQĆGHQFH LV FRQWDJLRXV ,WèV LPSRUWDQW \RX have others who will lift you up, encourage DQG VXSSRUW \RX &KRRVH WR VSHQG WLPH ZLWK those who believe in you and share common goals. Lastly, choose color. &RORU KDV HQHUJ\ )RU H[DPSOH LWèV ZK\ EODFN KDV DOZD\V EHHQ associated with funerals, or red with hospitals, or yellow is used for a yield sign. The point is when the colors we wear align with our innate energy we have a powerful presence. You will then hear compliments that will be about you ĆUVW UDWKHU WKDQ ZKDW \RX DUH ZHDULQJ If you would like more information about your colors, contact me at and while there take my LifeStyle Quiz.