Soar to Success November 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV Grow Your %QPƒFGPEG with the 2QYGT QH ;QW By Lynnette Begue-Lavery I know many women and men who DUH H[SHUWV LQ WKHLU ĆHOGV WDOHQWHG LQ many areas of their life. Yet these same individuals, as is the case with many of us, VHFUHWO\ VWUXJJOH ZLWK FRQĆGHQFH VHOI GRXEW complacency, the comparison game or their LPDJH 7KH\ TXHVWLRQ WKHPVHOYHV DQG ZDIćH trying not to slide down a slippery slope. What if you could harness your power and OLYH FRQĆGHQW HYHU\ GD\" 6WRS ZDLWLQJ IRU something or some circumstance to change EHIRUH \RX FDQ IHHO FRQĆGHQW +HUH DUH ZD\V WR ĆQG ODVWLQJ SRZHU DQG FRQĆGHQFH Your power is you! &RQĆGHQFH FRPHV from understanding yourself and your innate energy. Knowing and focusing your thoughts on your unique talents and gifts you bring to the world allows you to radiate authenticity DQG FRQĆGHQFH 6R MXVW EH \RXUVHOI 2IWHQ we make fashion mistakes based on our own misconceptions and we suppress our natural EHDXW\ :KHQZHHPEUDFHRXU LQQHUEHDXW\ĆUVW and learn to let it shine, we honor our authentic VHOI DQG RXU FRQĆGHQFH JURZV /HDUQLQJ \RXU LIFEStyle energy is one place you can start. It shows up in every area of your life!
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