Soar to Success November 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV Your health is being compromised. The Stress is wearing you out. You’re forgetting important things or making poor decisions. <RXèUH KDYLQJ GLIĆFXOW\ LQWHUDFWLQJ ZLWK people at work. And your relationships at home are being compromised. You lie in bed at night worried that you didn’t get everything done hoping nothing will go wrong. You’re no longer motivated, your work performance is diminishing. Here are some tips to reenergize and ĆUH \RX EDFN XS 1. 5HFRQQHFW ZLWK ZK\ \RX FDPH WR \RXU MRE EXVLQHVV Write down what you loved about it in the beginning. /HDUQ WR 5HOD[ :KHQ VWUHVV LV hitting you daily, the idea of UHOD[DWLRQ PD\ VHHP LPSRVVLEOH %XW WDNLQJ WLPH IRU \RXUVHOI LV absolutely key. That doesn’t mean you have to take a three-week vacation. Stress relief is as close at KDQG DV D IHZ ĆYH PLQXWH SDXVHV throughout your day where you DUH TXLHW DQG UHćHFWLYH MXVW EHLQJ in the moment. If none of this works for you, please call me at /HWèV VHW XS D WLPH WR FKDW VR , can support you.
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