Soar to Success November 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU 3HUVRQDO *URZWK 6WUDWHJLHV setting, we use a tissue – place a drop of your favorite essential oil on the tissue and inhale as needed. Diffusion is a way to get an aroma into your space. Use of an inhaler is a wonderful way to use oils for conditions RU IRU UHOD[DWLRQ , KDYH PRUH GHWDLOV RQ diffusion and creating an inhaler in previous YLGHRV RQ WKH (OLWH ([SHUWV 1HWZRUN Topical Method – is usually skin DSSOLFDWLRQ ,W LV VXJJHVWHG WR EHJLQ ZLWK drops of your essential oil and place into a tsp of a carrier such as olive oil or coconut RLO 3ODFH D IHZ GURSV RI WKLV PL[WXUH RQ WKH area of concern. If you have sensitive skin or are new to using essential oils, then FRQVLGHU SODFLQJ WKH PL[WXUH RQ WKH 6ROHV RI the feet. This is the safest locationwhen you are not sure of skin type or reactions. The skin is tougher yet still allows for absorption into your entire system. Oral or ingestion Method – should be done with guidance by a clinical aromatherapist. The essential oil needs to be food grade quality. The company I use KDV D VHSDUDWH OLQH FDOOHG 9LWDOLW\ 2LOV ZKLFK can be used as a dietary supplement. For more details on this topic, check out my website. The Procedure is Over, But the Pain Lingers On Yes, the bypass was successful. The chemotherapy worked. The kidney was a perfect match. Does this mean that your job is over? Modern medicine is truly miraculous. There seems no end to the ways we can cure diseases and repair injuries. But medical procedures can be brutal on the body. Patients are often left with distressing side effects and unpleasant consequences of treatment. Take the Next S T E P for Your Patients THE SUPPORTIVE THERAPY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM (STEP) will help you implement or improve a Supportive Therapy program in your institution. Integrating therapies which address side effects of medical procedures is the next STEP toward better total patient outcomes. Supportive Therapies for Better Outcomes 419-349-1815