Soar to Success November 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU &RUH %XVLQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV One recommendation on how to survive the Elder Care Cliff. ,I \RX DQVZHU 12 WR WZR RU PRUH RI WKH following questions your company may not navigate or survive the elder care cliff. ý Do you employ people in the sandwich generation? ý Does your company have a system for training managers on how to handle absenteeism and performance of employees who are family caregivers? ý Does your company have an occupationalhealthandwellness program? ý Does your company participate in a formal employee assistance program? ý Does your company’s employee assistance program have an elder care workplace service? If you answered no to two or more of the questions above, I recommend that you consider a free no obligations consultation on how an effective elder care work place program could reduce the cost of loss productivity associated with caregiving, improve employee work life balance, reduce employer health care cost and increase employee work satisfaction and retention so that your company can survive the elder care cliff. To begin helping your employees right away, applyforaccesstoparticipateinthefreeonline caregi ving program for employee caregivers DW ZZZ (OGHU&DUHDQG&DUHJLYLQJ1HWZRUN FRPRU FDOO RU HPDLO WR 6WHOOD#
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