Soar to Success November 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS 1RYHPEHU &RUH %XVLQHVV 6W T he big worry in the year two thousand was how businesses and the US economy would thrive through the ĆQDQFLDO FOLII 7RGD\ DQG IRU WKH QH[W WZHOYH years, the pressing question is how will you and your company survive the elder care cliff? The elder care cliff is the presumed economic crisis that will face this country by the year ZKHQ WKH IDVWHVW JURZLQJ VHJPHQW RI the population will be made up of people 65 \HDUV DQG ROGHU +RZ ZLOO IDPLOLHV FDUH IRU WKHLU DJLQJ ORYHG RQHV" +RZ ZLOO EXVLQHVVHV keep good talent and a healthy work force when many of their employees will be forced to only work part time or resign because of the demands placed on them as family caregivers? 75% of the current work force are family caregivers providing twenty or more hours of unpaid care to a loved one outside of their work life. According to the Met Life Institute for caregiving, most family caregivers are clinically depressed and/or chronically ill and go untreated causing loss of productivity and skyrocketing health care premiums for WKHLU HPSOR\HUV +RZ ZLOO WKH JRYHUQPHQW be able to fund the already limited Medicaid DQG 0HGLFDUH SURJUDPV ZKHQ OHVV WD[HV will be collected from employers due to the VKULQNLQJ WD[ SD\LQJ ZRUN IRUFH" YES or NO: Will Your Company Survive the ELDER CARE CLIFF? By Stella Nsong, RN