Soar to Success May 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article 3 Traits That Guarantee Success Constantly meeting and interacting with new people through ‘Networking’ is vital. Kelli’s friends call her the “Queen of Connectivity,” because she loves to make introductions and help business owners meet the right people. Finally, every successful business owner also must have an eagerness and enthusiasm to “Learn.” According to Kelli, “Learning new processes and procedures, as well as, constant change keeps us young, vibrant and on the cutting edge as business owners.” ‘Sincerity’ is also a very important quality that is overlooked. Don’t be that person, who wants to extoll every virtue of \RXU EXVLQHVV DW WKH ĆUVW meeting. Kelli likes to get to NQRZ WKH SHUVRQ ĆUVW ĆQG common interests and let business happen naturally. When Soar to Success asked Kelli what three traits she found in most successful people, she replied quickly. .HOOL LV D ZRUNDKROLF EXW VWLOO ߑ QGV WLPH WR HQMR\ her grandchildren, singing in the church choir and traveling. “At 59 years of age, I feel young enough to do everything and old enough to know what I am doing. I’m wondering if these won’t be the best chapters of my life.” To learn more about more about Kelli and Contact 2QH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV FDOO KHU DW or send an email to: . She guarantees the phone will be answered by a real live person, every single time. Kelli Robbins has built a solid business, enjoys her life, plus connecting with other business people. She has been recognized for her contributions and is excited about the future of Contact One Communications. With her enthusiasm, sound business principles and outgoing personality, Soar to Success is certain she will continue to grow and prosper. Go to our website to listen to our podcast with Kelli. Kelli and Sunita Pandit presenting Mayor Puduto his award