Soar to Success May 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / April 2018 / Feature Article “When businesses are forced to cut staff, they don’t cut us. We provide a vital service for our clients. Prospective customers calling into a business do not want to leave a voicemail, they want to talk to a real live person. Sixty percent of callers hang up on voicemail. For example, if a funeral home misses a call, they may lose that funeral, but may also lose future family arrangements, as well. That could add up to tens of thousands of dollars of lost revenues.” Through the years, Kelli grew her contact list basically through word of mouth and cold calling. She has had a lot of doors slammed in her face. Several years ago, however, through the efforts of a friend, she attended a Rotary meeting. She was impressed with the leadership training and took an active role in the organization. Kelli was just named “Chair of Women’s Engagement” for 5RWDU\ 'LVWULFW FRPSULVHG RI &OXEV LQ WKH 3LWWVEXUJK UHJLRQ 6KH LV WKH ߑ UVW HYHU :RPHQ ڕ V Engagement Chair in the country, perhaps the HQWLUH ZRUOGZLGH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RI FOXEV This is notable in that Rotary International denied women membership until 1987, and women make up only 22% on average in Rotary club membership. As time progressed, Kelli was introduced to the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and has become actively involved with that organization. She has served as President of the NAWBO Pittsburgh Chapter for the past two years. “NAWBO has become my greatest joy. I’ve had an opportunity, not just to mentor young ladies in business, but also help women break into the circle. I wish I would have had that in my twenty’s. It’s given me the opportunity to network with so many fabulous people. I am constantly amazed with the women I am able to meet and the NAWBO chain of distribution for business women across the country.” When the Pennsylvania State Treasurer held hearings to explore the lack of proper retirement planning in private sector businesses, Kelli was asked to give testimony and relate her personal experience in planning, or lack thereof, for her own retirement. The AARP magazine found Kelli’s testimony so interesting, they ran a feature article on it. The full story can be found at: / boosting-saving-workplace/ In March, Kelli was instrumental in putting together a program where the Pittsburgh NAWBO Chapter recognized the Mayor of Pittsburgh, William Peduto, for his extraordinary support of Women in Business. Kelli was quoted as saying, “Mayor Peduto took a giant step in his support of women in business, by drawing attention to issues surrounding gender discrimination and actively working to correct disparities. He has been an inspiration to us all. We are excited to honor him for his open support for Women Business Owners in our community.” Kelli with Senator Scott Hutchinson, following the hearing about retirement savings