Soar to Success May 2018
Our Contributors Stella Nsong is the state director of the Ohio Elder Care Planning Council and the creator and care designer of the unique program called Assisted Living At Home. With over two decades of experience as a registered nurse, she practices as D FHUWL ߑ HG SURIHVVLRQDO JHULDWULF FDUH manager, elder care consultant and a FHUWL ߑ HG 'HOD\ 7KH 'LVHDVH LQVWUXFWRU Stella is a bestselling author, speaker, trainer and health care columnist. In 1990, she won the Gold Medal for practical nursing in Georgia. Connect wit h Stella at and on -HDQQH 0F0XUU\ LV D FHUWL ߑ HG (VVHQWLDO oil coach, Accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, $ &HUWL ߑ HG $URPD7RXFK LQVWUXFWRU E\ Dr. David K Hill, and a Blue Diamond in Gď7(55$ She loves helping, empowering and educating others about what essential oils can do for their family and friends and especially enjoys working with those WKDW DUH UHWLUHG -HDQQH KDV EHHQ LQ WKH spa industry for over 24 years and have had the opportunity to work with many GLIIHUHQW H VVHQWLDO RLOV For more information visit her website. Also connect with her on Lynnette Begue-Lavery has a passion for teaching others how to maximize their innate energy and create their own personal style. Combining over 25 years of experience in corporate America with 22 years as an independent image consultant, she loves helping clients build WKHLU VHOI FRQ ߑ GHQFH DV ZHOO DV DVVLVWLQJ them to perfect their total image while creating their own unique style with tools that empower. Visit Lynnette’s website to ta ke her Life 6W\OH %HDXW\ 3UR ߑ OH ܫ DQG DOVR FRQQHFW on Joan Washburn coaches busy professionals to reclaim a sense of order and balance in their life—to essentially bring “calm to chaos” if you will. When we are overwhelmingly busy, more often than not, our priorities fall victim to circumstance. Her ultimate goal as a coach is for her clients to break free of what is not working for them, discover what they really want for their lives, then VXSSRUW WKHP DV WKH\ PDNH LW KDSSHQ Connect with Joan at Washburn Endeavours and on Tina L. Moe, C.P.A., CGMA, formedA.C.T. Services in 2002, and began building her business. Her practice has grown to a clientele more than 1,200 clients and a team of more than a dozen staff members. Tina attributes her business growth to being proactive with her clients, maintaining affordability and accessibility of her business owner herself. She believes that the better consultant for small business owners is herself a small business owner. Tina is a member of the American Institute RI &HUWL ߑ HG 3XEOLF $FFRXQWDQWV $,&3$ and the Indiana CPA Society. Cont act her at ACT Services and o n Karen Cupp is a thriving entrepreneur ZLWK \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH VWDUWLQJ running and selling multiple mid-sized businesses. As a Kaufman Foundation &HUWL ߑ HG )DFLOLWDWRU .DUHQ WUDLQHG DQG empowered small business owners to launch their own endeavors. As a -RKQ 0D[ZHOO &HUWL ߑ HG VSHDNHU WUDLQHU and coach; her mission is to foster communication, brainstorming, learning, and problem-solving through mastermind groups. By doing so she empowers businesses’ to harness the collective energy of fellow business owners. For more information visit KarenCupp . com. Also connect with her on Watch Stella’s Video Series Watch Jeanne’s Video Series Watch Lynnette’s Video Serie s Watch Joan’s Video Series Watch Tina’s Video Series Watch Karen’s Video Series Stella Nsong Jeanne McMurry Lynnette Begue-Lavery Joan Washburn Tina Moe Karen Cupp
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