Soar to Success May 2018
PAT ALTVATER Is This Idea a New Opportunity or a Shiny Object? W e entrepreneurs by nature are ideas people, aren’t we? We are innovators who like to think big and are willing to take risks to put our plans into action. I’ve noticed that when a business is brand new we have so much excitement knowing that our idea is becoming a reality, it consumes our thoughts and we push forward with vigor. However, there comes a time, typically when a business starts to grow, that new ideas and opportunities present themselves. For the idea loving entrepreneurial mind, these newopportunities are like a strong magnet pulling us in their direction. Shiny Object Syndrome can be detrimental especially when your business is not growing as fast as you thought it would, which is typical for even the most seasoned business builder. You start to question your strategy and perhaps even your entire concept. Then, someone or something comes along and presents what could be the solution to all your challenges, distracting you from staying focused on your strategy. So how do you discern if it’s a distraction or a real opportunity for you? Here are some suggestions: 1) ask a mentor or coach, 2) ask your board of DGYLVRUV LI \RX KDYH RQH RU ߑ QDOO\ WUXVW \RXU gut. Quiet your mind and ask yourself, why am I interested in this opportunity, what will it do for me and is it in alignment with my vision. Use the 5 whys technique to keep delving deeper into it until you are at the place of understanding your real motivation. That’s when you’ll know if its a true opportunity or a distraction. Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing
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