Soar to Success May 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / May 2018 / Core Business Strategies There’s No Place Like The Cloud A storm could blow your business away – just like Dorothy’s home in The Wizard of Oz. Is your data safe and sound in the cloud? ,Q WKH FODVVLF ĆOP7KH:L]DUGRI2] 'RURWK\èV EODFN and white farmhouse in Kansas barely lasts a scene before a tornado takes it right off the ground and blows it into a faraway land. Is it fantasy? Without a doubt – but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a lesson from it. The fact is that, while your business may not be in danger of blowing away and ending up in a land of make-believe, there are still serious risks to consider about your premises and what you store there, because you never know what kinds of weather or other emergencies may occur. Unexpected emergencies pose serious risks to businesses of any size. Without thorough and effective planning, a severe storm or power outage FRXOG SXW \RXU FRPSDQ\ DW ULVN RI ĆQDQFLDO ORVVHV reputational damage or worse. A robust data backup solution tends to be the best -- and often, only -- way for a business to prepare for emergency situations, but without the right expertise, how can you be sure that you aren’t still at risk? Disasters happen, and they happen much more often than you realize. Data loss -- or the threat of data loss -- is a common occurrence for businesses of all sizes, with many of these incidents caused by human error, server failure, or network outages. Howyouprepare todealwithoneof these incidents By Jeanne DeWitt