Soar to Success July 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS -XO\ &RUH %XVLQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV Inc., systems can be remotely monitored 24 x 7 to prevent intrusions or issues that can cause downtime. Does your business scale up or down during the summer months? One of the greatest EHQHĆWV RI XVLQJ FORXG FRPSXWLQJ LV LWV scalability, allowing you to scale up or down as needed. If your business slows down for the summer, you can cut back on the number of subscriptions for your cloud-based applications and sign up again in the fall. The cloud can even save you money and keep \RXURIĆFHFRRORQDKRWGD\ :LWKDYLUWXDOL]HG IT infrastructure in the Cloud, you can save money on server hardware and cooling costs. Server consolidation reduces your hardware count and the costs associated with it while increasing the performance of servers. Now you can use your server room for something else. A server room produces lots of heat and requires that AC be kept running constantly tokeep it cool. Your electricbillswill decrease, DQG \RXU RIĆFH ZLOO EH FRRO DQG FRPIRUWDEOH Literally no sweat! Would you like a “Summer in the Cloud” for your business? It’s not too late. Contact me by phone at (419) 872-9119 ext. 299 or by email at