Soar to Success July 2018
N ow you can stay cool and calm this summer. What do I mean by this? With cloud computing, you can take your vacation and still keep your business running. Plus, using cloudsolutions like server virtualization ZLOO NHHS \RXU RIĆFH FRRO DQG FRPIRUWDEOH while saving you money on air conditioning costs. The cloud has completely changed the way we work for the better. Now you can be productive from home, on the road, and – yes, even when on vacation. With a hosted server in the cloud, if a client calls and needs a contract you were working on, you can access it and send it off just like you were LQ WKH RIĆFH <RX FDQ GR WKLV NQRZLQJ WKDW everything you send or receive is secure. You can even collaborate and edit a document in real time with a coworker. This is so much IDVWHU WKDQ HPDLOLQJ ĆOHV EDFN DQG IRUWK 3OXV all these tasks can be completed from your laptop or even your smartphone – right from your lounge chair by the pool. All you need is internet access. No sweat! With the cloud you won’t “sweat” about data VHFXULW\ &OLHQW FRQĆGHQWLDOLW\ LV D SULRULW\ IRU every business. The chance of a data breach has increased for businesses that use mobile GHYLFHV DQG HPDLO RXWVLGH WKH RIĆFH %XW ZLWK cloud services, like those offered from CPU, SOAR TO SUCCESS -XO\ &RUH %XVLQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV By Jeanne DeWitt Summer In The Cloud. No Sweat!
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