Soar to Success July 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS / July 2018 / %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV The second trait is energy . Does this person bring it every day? Do they offer you high-energy performance and youthful enthusiasm? Do they have a sense of fun, and are all in for making sure the work is done well. While this doesn’t require the person be a gym rat, a regular workout routine can help. Third trait, focus on results , often is a by-product of the second. Do they possess an excitement to do what’s needed, regardless of the time or the effort required? Someone who’s focused on results reminds me of a story about a successful businessman, who when asked his secret, said KH VHW D GDLO\ JRDO RI WHQ WKLQJV WR JHW GRQH WKDW GD\ +H GLGQèW TXLW XQWLO DOO WHQ ZHUH ĆQLVKHG regardless how long it took. That’s someone who focuses on results. So those are the three key traits that I recommend you consider in assessing self-starter-ness: autonomy, energy, and a focus on results. ,I \RX QHHG KHOS ĆQGLQJ D OHDGHU ZH IRFXV RQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ VDOHV DQG ĆQDQFH UROHV 9LVLW RXU website for more information.
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