Soar to Success July 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS -XO\ &RUH %XVLQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV Tools Savvy Real Estate Investors use to Chart Their Course By Karen Cupp R eal Estate Investing is an exhilarating journey. Becoming a savvy real estate investor comes from howwell you identify and apply your strategy to your business. Do you have a strategy? By clarifying your strategy such as buying single family,multifamily,etc.,youareabletocommunicate your desires to others thereby opening yourself to more opportunities. Another aspect is learning to GHYHORS DQG WUDFN \RXU SURĆW DQG ORVV VWDWHPHQW DQG FDVK ćRZ VWDWHPHQW ZKLFK ZLOO KHOS \RX WR determine if your strategy is a viable one. This is not just about the tools. It is about utilizing these results tomake adjustments to your strategy. Identify what is working in your business, what needs improvement, and what is just not working. Two key factors in deeming if your real estate strategy is a successful one is the amount of cash ćRZ it generates and your ultimate return on investment. Your real estate investment business strategy is considered successful if you bring in HQRXJK FDVK ćRZ WR VXSSRUW QRW RQO\ \RXU FXUUHQW lifestyle, while building towards your retirement, but acquire enough cash to continue to invest. &DVK ćRZ LV WKH PRQH\ PRYLQJ ćRZLQJ LQ DQG RXW RI \RXU EXVLQHVV 0RQLHV ćRZLQJ LQ QRUPDOO\ consist of rents which are pretty static. Monies