Soar to Success July 2018
SOAR TO SUCCESS -XO\ &RUH %XVLQHVV 6WUDWHJLHV deduct the cost of qualifying property rather thandepreciating it over time. Previously there was a limit of $500,000 for this deduction for property acquisition of $2million or less during the tax year. If you spent more than $2 million dollars, your $500,000 deduction began to phase out. Under the new law, these amounts are increased to a deduction of $1 million and the phase-out threshold amount is increased to $2.5 million in acquisition costs beginning in the 2018 tax year. Code Section 179 has also been expanded to include certain improvements made to nonresidential real property such as roofs, +9$& DQG ĆUH SURWHFWLRQV V\VWHPV DV ZHOO DV alarm and security systems. Prior to the new law, you were required to depreciate these costs over a period of years. If you plan to purchase a new passenger vehicle in 2018, the luxury auto depreciation OLPLWV KDYH EHHQ LQFUHDVHG IURP D ĆUVW year deduction to $10,000 and the additional ĆUVW \HDU ERQXVGHSUHFLDWLRQ IRU HOLJLEOH vehicles still remains in place. If this information has been helpful and you want to learn more, visit my website at .
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