Soar to Success December 2018

62$5 72 68&&(66 / December 2018 / Core Business Strategies Growing up, I was a closet wrestling fan... Yes, me. I loved tuning in on a Saturday afternoon to watch the then WWF (World Wrestling Foundation) now theWWE (WorldWrestling Entertainment, Inc.). After the name change, I started to lose interest, but before that, I was glued to the television set in our living room for an hour each and every Saturday. Yes, I now understand that those matches were staged. I won’t call them fake because PDQ\ RI WKRVH IDOOV DQG êć\LQJ HOERZVë ZHUH real, and for some caused real damage later in life. Wrestling for me was the ultimate escape from reality. What did professional and even amateur wrestling teach me about business? There were a few lessons that I can relate to now. The biggest one is the need to have a tag team partner in life and business. When it comes to running a business, partners who are in your corner are worth their weight in gold. But, unfortunately, there are a few heels, you know, the bad partner that masquerades as the good guy to win your approval, and when your trust is up and guard is down, hits you over the back of the head with that steel chair. Let’s focus on the great tag team business partners. %\ -HDQQH 'H:LWW Who’s Your Tag Team Partner?