Soar to Success December 2018

PAT ALTVATER Create Powerful Video Testimonials Great testimonials provide credibility for the recipient of the testimonial. However, research shows that a personwho visits awebsite ÀQGV YLGHR WHVWLPRQLDOV PXFK PRUH EHOLHYDEOH than written testimonials. When you record a video testimonial for someone or ask an individual to do one for you, the VHFRQG WHVWLPRQLDO YLGHR should include these three components; I call them the 3 R’s. &RPSRQHQW WKH 5HDVRQ Explain your reason for needing this person or company’s help. The more authentic/vulnerable you are, the better, so you may have to expose a weakness or loss. This makes you seem more real and people watching can relate to you. Start with your name and company, but remember this is about them, so just state this information. &RPSRQHQW WKH 5HVSRQVH This is what the person did for you so just explain the product or services that you received from this company. Begin by naming the person and company and talk about the type of product or service that was provided to you. &RPSRQHQW WKH 5HVXOWV When you reveal the results you received from working with this person or FRPSDQ\ EH DV VSHFL ߑ F DV SRVVLEOH 0HQWLRQ WKDW \RX increased your income by $21,238 instead of saying my sales grew by over $20,000. Precise numbers are much more believable, so your comments will have a much bigger impact on the viewers. Finally, just close the testimonial video with a simple statement such as “Because of the great results I experienced, I highly recommend XXXXXX.” For ideas about exact wording for each of the 3R’s UHDG P\ EORJ RQ $)3 0DUNHWLQJ Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing